Point of Rental: 2018 Replay

2018 was a big year for Point of Rental. Here's to an EPIC 2019!

As Point of Rental has grown, we’ve strengthened our roots. After all, it’s consistently produced fruit for the company, our customers, and the rental industry. In 2018, we acquired two companies (RentalTrax and PartyCAD), and we’re starting to focus on impacting the world beyond rental. We’re able to do this because of you, our Point […]

2018’s POR Employees of the Year are EPIC

Jesse Adams and Kelly Earp were named Point of Rental Employees of the Year in the U.S. and U.K., respectively.

In 2018, we introduced a simpler, memorable set of core values to help guide new Pointers as they integrate into our culture. Point of Rental employees are EPIC: Empowering, Principled, Innovative, and Caring. 2018’s Employees of the Year* epitomized those values. So we tried to find out a bit about what makes them tick. What […]